Subject: Re: german keyboard layout and NetBSD 1.1
To: Thomas Kaepernick <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/07/2005 22:14:10
On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 09:44:08PM +0100, Thomas Kaepernick wrote:
> > Sorry, I don't really understand your question here. What do you want to
> > know exactly ?
> In the first I like change the keyboard layout under NetBSD 1.1. 
> There is no way to change, then I think about to update the System to 1.6 or 
> higher. A problem is the little RAM (4 MB). A test with the tiny_installation
> floppies of 1.5 haven't got work. Now my notion: I copy under 1.1 the 
> 1.6-tarballs over serial port and unpack it. But what tarball in the first? 
> Kernel or base.tgz? And what problem should I obey? 

Ha, ok. Then just copy the new kernel (keeping the old one around) and reboot.
If you have the right COMPAT_ options in the kernel config file is should work
(with so few ram you'll have to build a custom kernel anyway).
Once booted with the new kernel you can download and unpack the
other sets.

Manuel Bouyer <>
     NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference