Subject: Re: Screen capture to animated gif
To: None <>
From: Karsten Kruse <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 11/27/2005 18:17:01
Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
>> I'm looking for a way to capture all user activity ( keyboard/mouse )
>> in X to a animated GIF.
> I have used pkgsrc/x11/xvidcap and pkgsrc/x11/xvidcap-gtk2 to create
> screen capture videos. From the description:
> xvidcap is a tool (like Lotus ScreenCam and Camtasia) that captures
> movement on a selected area of an X11 screen to files. Frame output
> formats include: XWD, PPM, PNG, MNG, JPEG and MPEG.
It's easy to generate gif from a series of png with gimp.
Karsten Kruse
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