Subject: Re: Problem with NeBSD 3.0 netinstall
To: None <>
From: Gilbert Fernandes <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 09/25/2005 13:58:02
>> You mean you are using a floppy to boot a machine
>> then you install using FTP ?
> yes
Good. That's the method I usually use myself : I boot
on the two floppies and directly install using FTP.
Should work just fine.
> Yes, but I think the package misc.tgz is good. I try to ftp
> program to download it from another machine but I can't.
If you cannot download this package, something is wrong.
You can do "ls" and you are connected correctly to the
ftp ? Please add a minus sign to the password to ask
the FTP server to remove its banner : a misconfigured
firewall in the path to the machine being installed could
be a problem.
Otherwise : ignore this. Finish the install and boot
the machine. As soon you did boot, configure the network
and then connect yourself to the french mirror of the
NetBSD FTP : is perfect and pretty fast in
ftp to and get the misc package for your
NetBSD from there. Then, just decompress if from
the / of your install, by doing :
tar zxf -C / misc.tar.gz
This will decompress and detar the contents of misc
and writing files from / ; do this while being
root. You can add the "v" flag to the tar options
if you want to see the list of files being written
to disk.
You can also edit your /etc/fstab to add softdep
to most of your mounted FFS so this operation is
done fast enough, and if you want or need, you
can go back to standard FFS sync by removing
softdep (this is your choice).
You can email me directly in french also, if you
got any other install problem.
I don't know your level in BSD knowledge, but
since you're french I strongly suggest you
to buy the excellent french book by Emmanuel
Dreyfus : cahiers de l'Admin, BSD which is
distributed by Eyrolles.
Very, very good book.
unzip ; strip ; touch ; grep ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ;
fsck ; umount ; sleep