Subject: Re: From zero to /bin/sh?
To: Petar Bogdanovic <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 09/16/2005 18:07:58
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On 2005.09.16 18:28:52 +0200, Petar Bogdanovic wrote:
| Hello all,
| I would like to 'build' an extremely minimal (i386-)NetBSD-System. (Not=
| for use, just as an exercise.) What do I need if I just want to get a she=
| I assume:
| - a medium (cd, usb-stick, harddisk, etc.)
| - a ms-dos partition-table with (at least) one primary partition (p.p.)
| - a disklabel on the p.p. with a root-(disklabel-)partition (i.e. wd0a)
| - a root-fs (ffs on wd0a)
| - a primary boot block (/usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv1) in the MBR or at the
|   beginning of the p.p.
| - a kernel: /netbsd
| - /bin/init
| - /etc/fstab
| - /bin/sh
| Is that enough for single-user? What should I add for multi-user?

For something really minimal you can have only /netbsd and a static
binary of /bin/sh. :) But of course, you can't do much with it.
You must also ``ln -s /bin/sh /sbin/init'' or change the initpaths
array in sys/kern/init_main.c.

		-- Rui Paulo

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