Subject: Re: unattended install?
To: Malcolm Herbert <>
From: matthew sporleder <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 09/16/2005 10:34:09
This should be pretty easy to setup (much easier than jumpstart or
kickstart) because netbsd is so easy to install.  ;)

I guess the hardest part would be getting the host-specific options to
the install script so it would know how to layout the disks, which
sets to install, and maybe some initial network configuration.  I
guess that wouldn't be too hard since jumpstart requires nfs to the
server (granted, you can split it into three servers).  I'd be
interested in helping on this if anyone has the time.

On 9/16/05, Malcolm Herbert <> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 16, 2005 at 09:01:44AM +0200, Gilles Gravier wrote:
> |:) Jumpstart is the Solaris version of unattended install. It's
> |actually, more of a "Network Install" which can be unattended, or
> |completely interactive. That depends on how it is configured.
> ah, that's right, RedHat's one is KickStart ... knew the names were
> similar, but couldn't place it ... :)
> yeah, one of my first jobs was at a company setting up their automated
> install process for around 30 or 40 Sun workstations ... that was 5
> years ago now though ...
> |For NetBSD, I don't know... but it would indeed be nice.
> Is NetBSD able to be booted via PXE?
> --
> Malcolm Herbert
> Computer Support Officer
> School of Geosciences
> Monash University
> ph 9905 4881