Subject: Re: pkgsrc and update
To: Jukka Marin <>
From: Brian McEwen <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/24/2005 16:15:27
On Jul 24, 2005, at 1:08 PM, Jukka Marin wrote:

> rth) should I do?
> I tried "make update" (although I know it does NOT work - and it  
> didn't)
> and sooner or later, the system complains "xxx is already installed -
> perhaps an older version?" - why doesn't it _update_ the package as I
> told it to do?
> So, HOW do I update installed packages without first removing all  
> packages
> and then installing everything from scratch.

After a pkg_delete disaster  with stuff that built under one -current  
and not later, I have been very determined to keep a pkg_tarup copy  
of everything I compile in case of problems later.

so my routine looks like:

make install foo
pkg_tarup foo

then later if I need to install a new version, and I get the "must  
delete existing" message you referred to, I can do a pkg_delete foo  
and a make install of the new version.

If something horrible breaks I can reinstall what I had form the  
archived pkg_tarup copy.  that *should* have all the dependent files  
etc. included; at least, I've not had a dependency problem yet. :)

the chroot jail is perhaps a better solution but I wasn't convinced I  
could implement it correctly.

HTH.  so far this has worked for me, although I don't think it's  
