Subject: Re: AHA-2940 UW SCSI adapter problems?
To: Todd Vierling <>
From: Andy Ruhl <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/19/2005 14:34:26
On 7/19/05, Todd Vierling <> wrote:
> There are technical merits to SCSI.  As for the one that most end users c=
> about -- raw speed of data transfer with non-hotswap disks -- they aren't=
> whole lot different.  It's when you get into more complex configurations
> such as large numbers of disks, hotswapping, and high user concurrency th=
> SCSI shows its strengths.

Although you may be as horrified as I am to find out that a rather
large computer company is marketing a high feature disk device that
can come with SCSI *or* SATA drives depending on how much you want to
spend. This is a device aimed squarely at the high end. Kind of ironic
in the end when you know these things are going to be connected to FC
which is talking SCSI... The world is a crazy place.
