Subject: Re: Hello Is there somebody use gftp in NetBSD?
To: skysbird <>
From: Geert Hendrickx <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/05/2005 10:02:31
On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 03:31:39PM +0800, skysbird wrote:
> I have met a problem,I think maybe it's a bug in NetBSD-2.0. When I use
> the gftp,I found there are something wrong with pthread when I connect to
> the remote host 

You should really provide more details on such things.  

I ran gftp 2.0.18 from pkgsrc-HEAD on NetBSD 2_STABLE and indeed: 

gftp-gtk: Error detected by libpthread: Unlocking unlocked mutex.
Detected by file "/cvs/src/lib/libpthread/pthread_mutex.c", line 345,
function "pthread_mutex_unlock".
See pthread(3) for information.

gftp is trying to unlock an already unlocked mutex.  Whereas other OSes
(FreeBSD's, Linux') libpthread is rather forgiving on such issues, NetBSD's
is not, and aborts the process.  

A *workaround* is to set PTHREAD_DIAGASSERT=A in your environment, then
libpthread will ignore all errors and gftp will keep running (and works
fine for the rest).  But the solution is to (make someone) fix the bug.

Oh, and the non-GUI version of gftp works fine (just unset your DISPLAY

