Subject: [sun-jdk15] Weird fille permissions
To: None <>
From: Luiz Eduardo Guida Valmont <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/22/2005 13:46:25
I'm using release 2.0.2 with sun-jdk15 and suse9.1 linux emulation (the
defaults, I guess). My umask is 0077. While running an ant target which
was supposed to unpack some jar in a NEWLY created directory, I got the
following error:
[unjar] Expanding: /path/to/some/file into /path/to/some/dir
[unjar] Unable to expand to file ...
"ls -l"'ing one of the parent directories of directory in which the file
was supposed to be created I got this:
bash-3.00$ ls -l temp/
total 36
d-wSr-S--- 3 legv users 512 Jun 22 13:43 META-INF
drwx------ 3 legv users 512 Jun 22 13:43 br
d-wSr-S--- 3 legv users 512 Jun 22 13:43 com
drwx------ 2 legv users 1024 Jun 22 13:43 images
drwx------ 2 legv users 512 Jun 22 13:43 languages
drwx------ 2 legv users 512 Jun 22 13:43 lib
d-wsr-sr-- 3 legv users 512 Jun 22 13:43 org
drwx------ 2 legv users 512 Jun 22 13:43 pl
drwx------ 2 legv users 512 Jun 22 13:43 properties
bash-3.00$ umask
Moreover, I can't "rm -Rf" this directory, which is also pretty weird (I
can do it if I "su"). Does anyone have any idea why some directories are
being created without read permission to the owner and why the same
owner can't remove these directories (I can't even chmod them!)??
Thanks in advance,
Luiz Eduardo Guida Valmont
(... Of course I run NetBSD! ...)