Subject: Re: default xdm/Xresources for NetBSD
To: NetBSD Users <>
From: Holger Weiss <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/07/2005 05:25:12
* Louis  Guillaume <> [2005-06-05 21:31]:
> Holger Weiss wrote:
> >When using the new xdm/Xresources with a cgsix (8 bit)
> >framebuffer on sparc64 running Xsun, XDM will refuse to start:
> >
> >| X Error of failed request:  BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)
> >|   Major opcode of failed request:  14 (X_GetGeometry)
> >|   Resource id in failed request:  0x0
> >|   Serial number of failed request:  293
> >|   Current serial number in output stream:  293
> >
> >This is the case for all three NetBSD logos supplied in xdm/pixmaps, but
> >not for the two standard XFree86 logos.  I didn't get around to figure
> >out whether this can be fixed without changing the pixmaps yet.
> This seems like a big problem. Perhaps the lower-res pixmaps really
> aren't??

The problem is that NetBSD.xpm uses more than 256 colors.  Telling XDM
to use NetBSDbw.xpm doesn't help, as this is a grayscale pixmap using
exactly 256 colors (despite the "bw").  I filed PR xsrc/30451 for this.

> >>Also I set the background in Xsetup_0 and removed the console.
> >
> >At least on sparc and sparc64 (using the default syslog.conf), the XDM
> >display will be messed up with console messages if you don't capture
> >them to xconsole.
> Naturally this is a problem. Is there a way to redirect the the messages
> to somewhere like /var/log or somewhere like that for these platforms?

Why?  Capturing console messages is exactly what xconsole is for.

> But my main issue is with the visuals or aesthetics of the xdm login
> window.

PR xsrc/10888, which asked for something similar, was closed for reasons
similar to mine:

| State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
| State-Changed-By: tron
| State-Changed-When: Fri Jul 5 10:54:10 PDT 2002
| State-Changed-Why:
| 1.) Changing the default "xdm" configuration might cause problems on some
| exotic X11 terminals. I don't think the vanity effect justified that.
| 2.) XFree86 4.x has a much nice default "xdm" configuration (which
| already caused some problems, see above).

[ ]


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