Subject: Re: VMware on netbsd 2.0.2
To: Philippe St-Jacques <>
From: Dan LaBell <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/04/2005 04:03:54
On Jun 3, 2005, at 8:16 PM, Philippe St-Jacques wrote:

> Philippe St-Jacques  <philooo <at>> wrote:
>> Hi. I am having problems running VMware 3.2 on my NetBSD 2.0.2 host. I
>> compiled the modules with the correct netbsd-2-0-2-RELEASE source
>> tree.
>> I also mounted /proc with -o rw,linux
>> Still I get that error when running the wizard. here is a screen shot.
>> df: Warning: cannot read table of mounted filesystems: No such file or
>> directory
> --Can you ktrace the linux df and see what it needs from /proc? Or 
> replace
> --the linux df with the NetBSD one.
> --christos
> Replacing the linux df by the NetBSD df fails because it can't find
> the -T argument to df.
> Philippe

Sounds like its not liking that there is no /proc/mounts
an example of the format:
/dev/root / ext2 rw 0 0
/proc /proc proc rw 0 0

I think it was originally so linux rescue/install utils, could get 
current mounts, when mount would not, since mount would just read 
/etc/mtab, and if root was readonly, it was not up to date.  Kinda 
useful, when doing adhoc installs etc , since you could set everything 
up then cat /proc/mounts > /target/fstab, etc, but basically started as 
a kludge for mtab, they should have called it /proc/mtab, IMO.  Maybe 
linux has deprecated mtab ??  As far linux utilities linux that used 
proc (besides ps) , I think
reading /proc/filesytems and /proc/partitions was common.

Maybe kludge it via a union mount?
ex: mkdir /proc2
     cp /etc/fstab /proc2/mounts
     vi /proc2/mounts  # trim out comments, and unmounted
     mount_union /proc2 /proc

(need to change to match what's used for emul )

Incidentally, are the linux style proc files accurate? Particularly 