Subject: Re: Welcome to netbsd-users
To: Simeon Nifos <>
From: Courtney R. Spencer <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/27/2005 18:55:58
On Fri May 27, 2005 at 03:09:08PM -0700, Simeon Nifos wrote:
> Hallo everybody,
> I am a new user migrating from FreeBSD, where I had
> hardware troubles with AMD64 archs. I would like a
> little
> help to begin!
> 1:) Please send me a sample .cshrc.
> up down keys do not work, delete key doesn't work
> and
> neither does tab key. Couldn't netbsd people make
> our
> life easier with that?
% csh
thunder% [A
<up> works for me
thunder% [B
<down> works for me
<tab> also creates a tab
FreeBSD uses tcsh as its /bin/csh and there is no command-line editing in csh.
You can either install the tcsh which will install in /usr/pkg/bin, or try out
the interactivness of standard csh or /bin/ksh has command line editing with:
set -o emacs
bind "^I=complete"
But I warn you when dealing with lots of different systems, the bourne shell
derivitives all can have dirrerent behavior depending on the OS.
Linux /bin/sh is really bash
*BSD /bin/ksh is not att ksh #smiley faced emoticon#
For plain old csh on any system I set in my .cshrc:
set history=1000
set filec
So what do you gain with this?
!command or !history# reissues a previous command
cd /et<esc> is filename completion
> 2:) Please let me know where can I download a cd iso
> image with precompiled packages for i386.
> 3:) Are there any Nvidia drivers available?
For XFree86? If its not in nv_drv.o than I'm not sure about this one.
I have iXfree86 4.4.0 and I apparently have it nv(4).
> 4:) Suppose I have a Linux Library
> And I want to link it with my main.c compiled
> in NetBSD. How can I achieve that?
You need Linux compatibility compiled in your kernel, plus the
linux emulation area populated.
see compat_linux(8)
> 5:) Some simple tunings I can apply on the fly
> (memory,disk,net)?
This really depends on your system and the applications you want to use.
Courtney R. Spencer