Subject: Re: non-pkgsrc emacs or clone (fwd)
To: None <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/25/2005 10:12:57
On Tue, 24 May 2005, Stef Caunter wrote:
> I started this thread because *not only* the lynx browser but
> emacs also won't build with the supplied stock make and this is *less good than
> before*.
> Follow the thread: it's not lynx, and not emacs, it's NetBSD 2.0 make that
> is the problem.
No. Read the POSIX make standard. Follow the thread: It is the lynx
makefile that is the problem. ".h" is NOT a standard default in .SUFFIXES;
it MUST be specified explicitly, even if it "just works" out of luck because
of nonstandard defaults on some OS's or older versions of some OS's.
I can't vouch for emacs as I haven't seen the technical details of that
problem. If it is also related to the build assuming that .SUFFIXES
includes ".h", then its makefiles are also broken.
-- Todd Vierling <> <> <>