Subject: Re: fat16 undelete?
To: Wolfgang S. Rupprecht <>
From: Alistair Crooks <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/25/2005 12:06:04
On Tue, Apr 26, 2005 at 08:00:29PM -0700, Wolfgang S. Rupprecht wrote:
> "Wolfgang S. Rupprecht" writes:
> > Is there some open source utility for recovering "deleted" files in
> > fat-16 format filesystems?
> >
> > It seems I was a bit too quick hitting the "delete all" button on my
> > digital camera. Only the first 200 pictures had transfered. I don't
> > know if there was a Coolpix-995 firmware problem or a umass/fat16
> > problem that only transfered the first 200 filenames. The fact that
> > it stopped at exactly 200 is a bit suspicious.
> The program I found that worked was fatback-1.3 from sourceforge:
> It needed a stdarg fix to make it stop segv-ing on an amd64, but other
> than that it worked well enough. (The second patched file was just
> something that seemed needlessly obtuse and I was worried it was being
> miscompiled.)
> Now for the weird part. The program includes a GPL-ed source file,
> but the program has various comments that it is only to be used by law
> enforcement organizations. This is at odds with the GPL-ed code it
> links against, as well as the public distribution via sourceforge. If
> the license discrepancy can be ironed out, this would be a great tool
> for pkgsrc/sysutils .
I've added this program, along with your fixes and with what I think
are the necessary licence and restrictions in the package, to pkgsrc as
To clarify what I've done - I have set a value for "LICENCE" in the
pkgsrc Makefile, and added a small pkgsrc/licenses/fatback-license
file. I have not set any RESTRICTED or NO_*_ON_* values, since, as
far as I can see, the code itself is not restricted in any way, except
for the usual GPL2 restrictions.
If people are unhappy about this, I'll remove the pkgsrc entry, but this
seems to provide a useful program for the pkgsrc users who do work for the
government and/or law-enforcement agencies.