Subject: Re: Default install for NetBSD on laptops with PC-MCIA cards.
To: Gilles Gravier <>
From: Jeff Rizzo <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/23/2005 09:01:50
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Care to be more specific? I've installed several laptops without
benefit of "patches".
If you're having trouble with the standard bootfloppys, try the 'laptop'
Gilles Gravier wrote:
> OK... a warning. This message is a bit of a whine...
> How come, in the last 6 years that I've been using NetBSD, it is still
> not possible to install NetBSD on a laptop without having to patch the
> kernel in order to use PC-MCIA network cards? This must not be too
> hard to integrate in the default kernels. All Linux distributions of
> the planet that I know of do it seamlessly. Why still have to manually
> go into GDB and hack into the kernel? What's worse, it's described in
> the README.html file, so it's not like it requires thinking. The
> things in the README.html have worked on every machine I've installed
> NetBSD on. Maybe it's time to have THOSE settings as defaults, rather
> than whatever is set today, and obviously doesn't work.
> Comme on, guys... Let's make sure we do better than Linux. I'm sure
> we're up to it.
> Gilles.
> --
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