Subject: Re: NFS lockup in netbsd-2?
To: None <>
From: Jeff Rizzo <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/11/2005 20:56:48
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>I CVS'ed to the latest netbsd-2 branch last weekend and experienced
>a total NFS lockup. My homedir is exported on 2.0_STABLE/i386 with
>/home/rvdp                      -network
>It is amd mounted on 3.99.3/i386 with:
>/defaults       type:=host;rhost:=${key};fs:=${autodir}/${rhost}/root
>*               host==${key};type:=link;fs:=/    \
>                host!=${key};
>After booting the new netbsd-2 kernel all NFS transfers stalled. I
>loaded the old kernel again.
>I haven't investigated it yet.

>Does anybody else have problems with NFS?
>	rvdp

Short answer: yes, I've experienced various issues with NFS;  not quite
as quickly as you seem to (mine would appear at various points in a
pkgsrc bulk build with some NFS storage), but I got a lockup of nfs on
the client (the server appeared fine).  Both client and server were 2.0
at the time;  upgrading the client to 2.0_STABLE (with some nfs fixes)
did not seem to help.

I suspect (with virtually nothing to back this up but a hunch) that you
got the lockups more quickly because of the code changes, but that you
would have gotten them in any case.

I haven't looked into the problems lately - they were bad enough that I
had to rearrange things to be able to avoid NFS in that situation.  I
haven't had time to look into them, especially given my lack of
experience in the NFS code.


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