Subject: Re: managing tens of NetBSD machines
To: Tracy Di Marco White <>
From: Jeff Rizzo <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/02/2005 08:55:20
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Tracy Di Marco White wrote:
>I probably have 70 or 80 NetBSD machines sending me mail every
>night, and I add more machines on a regular basis. With all the
>other mail I get, I'd like to figure out a better way to handle
>all the reports. What do other people do, just read all the
>reports, send them into something that checks for a problem,
>ignore them all?
Largely, I just file them away in case I need them to track the history
of something else; I have many fewer machines (half a dozen or so), but
the mail is enough that I don't really get a chance to look at it. I
like having the nightly/weekly/monthly reports as historical
information, but they're nearly useless to me as near-realtime alerts of
issues. One of the things I'd like to do (but probably won't until
these machines become more critical to me than they are) is to review
the sorts of issues reported by the daily email, and create some sort of
summary of the info I _really_ want to see every day (which is very
little, in my case), and perhaps separate alert emails when something
critical is discovered. (then again, I have other monitoring tools for
the need-to-know-more-often-than-once-per-day things)
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