Subject: Re: -key "introduction"
To: None <>
From: Andy Ball <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/01/2005 08:36:14
Hello Dan,
DLB> I had actually completely forgotten that it does that
> on PC/dos as well...And these days I can less what
> DOS does.
DLB> I like shift-comma to send < for instance
If < is marked above , on the key (it is on mine) then I do
too! :-)
DLB> the grey keys map the same as the keypad keys, except
> for del, grey del is doing ^?, while keypad del is
> sending ESC [[3~.
I think the Delete key should send \177. There are probably
arguments for and against the Del key on the numeric pad
sending that when num-lock is off. I imagine it's
configurable anyway.
- Andy Ball