Subject: Re: -key problem resolved
To: None <>
From: Zbigniew Baniewski <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/30/2005 12:56:14
On Wed, Mar 30, 2005 at 01:45:17AM -0500, Dan LaBell wrote:

> >And then I was able to use that "tip with inputrc" - I mean, I created
> >a file ~/.inputrc, containing:

> Isn't .inputrc and /etc/inputrc  bash and gnu readline?

Yes, from the (Linux) man:

       Readline  is customized by putting commands in an initial-
       ization file (the inputrc file).  The name of this file is
       taken  from the value of the INPUTRC environment variable.
       If  that  variable  is  unset,  readline  will  read  both
       /etc/inputrc  and  ~/.inputrc

But currently, under NetBSD, /etc/inputrc seems to be ignored.

> maybe its somewhere else? strings | fgrep inputrc maybe?

It seems, I must do some "grepping" indeed. Perhaps now it'll be something
like /usr/pkg/etc or similar...
				pozdrawiam / regards

						Zbigniew Baniewski