Subject: Happy 12th!
To: None <,>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/21/2005 03:40:10
(Normally I don't cross-post, but I thought that I'd make an exception
in this case.  (^&)

If memory serves---which it often does not[1]---this marks NetBSD's 12th
birthday.  So Happy 12th, NetBSD.

Actually, this should be more important than the one 2 years ago, since
in hex, it is C, and C is very important to a system like NetBSD.  In
contrast, 10 could be read in binary as 1+1, which is much smaller and
isn't even a programming language as far as I know.

[1: There's some old tidbit of wisdom that people are quick to point
    out their faulty memory, but not so quick to point out their
    faulty judgment...]

  "I probably don't know what I'm talking about."