Subject: broken gnome-terminal in gnome-2.8.x?
To: None <>
From: Anders Lindgren <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/19/2005 22:27:35
I am running 2.0 GENERIC on i386 and installed gnome2 a while ago, built 
from a pkgsrc-current tarball. When I first built gnome it was all 
gnome-2.6.2, and everything seemed to work reasonably well. However, after 
upgrading gnome (all of it, make update etc.) to 2.8.1(?) and now 2.8.3,
gnome-terminal is unable to recognize URLs in terminal windows, so I can't
open or copy the URLs anymore. This worked fine in the gnome-2.6.2 pkg.

Anyone else seen this? Didn't find much in GNATS or on mail-index.
