Subject: Re: NetBSD reliability and capabilities
To: None <>
From: Alec Berryman <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/03/2005 00:09:34
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Thor Lancelot Simon on 2005-02-02 21:33:52 -0500:
> On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 02:08:21PM -0500, Chris Clymer wrote:
> > You haven't stated what your device is actually doing, so perhaps there=
> > other advantages to using NBSD. However, it sounds like a chief part o=
f it=20
> > is an embedded webserver.
> >=20
> > It seems somewhat foolish to me to have a device you wish 100% uptime o=
n run a=20
> > webserver you expect heavy load on in an emulation mode, when you've al=
> > got things ready to go with it in the native OS.
> Where, exactly, did you get the idea that the webserver would be running
> under emulation?
quote from original message:
3. Has anyone run a production http server on Java & Java HTTP Server like=
Tomcat reliable, fast(means comparable fast to other unix-like OS) through=
linux emulation layer (I mean a server that really is under pressure of=20
The Tomcat he's running (and perhaps the Apache with mod_jk) will be
"native", but Tomcat needs >=3Djava1.4, which will be run through the
emulation layer. The performance and stability of the entire web rig
will be dependent on an emulated application.
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