Subject: Re: 760N
To: None <>
From: Eric Fox <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/21/2005 09:51:34
Ah ... I must confess that I've most likely put my foot in my mouth (and 
it's not even the end of January yet!).  I assumed you were talking 
about an IBM 760 laptop ... what you described sounds much more like a 
Network Appliance file server.  If so, I'm afraid you'll have to ask 
someone else.  There was a small group attempting to port NetBSD to one 
of NetApp's machines, but I don't remember which ones or if they were 
successful.  There may be some info in the list archives.

  /\---/\  Eric J Fox
 /  o o  \ Small Business Computer Support
 \.\   /./ in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area