Subject: Re: JAVA on MP, current pgsql
To: Stefan Schumacher <>
From: Andreas Wrede <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/20/2005 11:48:30
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On 20-Jan-05, at 11:02 AM, Stefan Schumacher wrote:

> Also sprach Andreas Drewke (
>> Second thing ist that the current postgresql 7.4.6 server from pkgsrc 
>> seems to
>> have problems too. At some point (didnt investigate it further) it 
>> starts to
>> eat 100% cpu and never gets out of this state again.
>> Note: here it doesnt matter if you got a i386-uni or i386-mp system.
>> Like the beatles used to sing ... help!
>> Any sugesstions? Can somebody confirm both problems?
> I could reproduce that PostgreSQL Problem on a machine at work with
> 2.0 and there is another thread about that going on.
> Upgrade to the yesterday released PostgreSQL 8, it builds out of the
> box and offers some nice new features like Savepoints, Tablespace
> and Point-In-Time Recovery :-) or try NetBSD current.
> I had no problems with PostgreSQL RC5 on 2.99.10

To summarize, with 2.0RC2/3 through to 2.0.1, postgresql 7.3 and 7.4 
will go into a loop after somewhere between 5 minutes and 5 hours if it 
is regularly running multiple queries in parallel.

I moved my production DB to a -current machine with Postgresql 7.4 
where the problem does not occur.

See the threads "Re: PostgreSQL taking a *lot* of CPU time." on 
netbsd-help and "Problem with gcore and permissions" in tech-kern.

Note that the problem has not been fixed by the pullup in ticket #903 
(sysv_sem.c rev


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