Subject: Re: help fixing warnings from daily insecurity report
To: Russell McManus <>
From: David Maxwell <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/17/2005 12:02:28
On Mon, 17 Jan 2005, Russell McManus wrote:
> I'm getting messages like this from daily insecurity output:
> Checking the /etc/group file:
> Group tinyproxy has more than 8 characters.
> mtree: unknown user `smmsp'
> I installed www/tinyproxy which apparently created the tinyproxy user.
> Now what?
It's really just a warning. Since usernames <8 chars were the only
format supported for a long time, it's possible that something in the
system could be unhappy with >8 char usernames. I haven't seen any PRs
on issues in some time though.
> I couldn't find user smmsp in the /etc/group file, nor could I find
> out which part of /etc/daily was running mtree. Where is the second
> error message comping from?
/etc/mtree/* files are used to check ownership and permissions. Some of
the system install files are meant to be owned by the 'smmsp' user, but
you don't have one in your password file. (Perhaps you upgraded from an
install before this was the case, and didn't run postinstall?)
David Maxwell,| --> The only difference I see
between voodoo and marketing research is that voodoo sometimes works!
- Leonard Stern