Subject: Re: giant filesystem: which type to use?
To: Louis Guillaume <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/17/2005 23:51:46
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On Mon, Jan 17, 2005 at 12:08:13AM -0500, Louis Guillaume wrote:
| Chuck Swiger wrote:
| >You ought to be looking towards NAS or SAN platform solutions from=20
| >Auspex, EMC, NetApp, maybe Apple's new Xsan, which involve products=20
| >intended for that kind of requirement.
| >
| And I certainly would look to this type of platform/solution. But the=
| way I understand SANs is that these devices provide Logical Units for=
| use by connected servers. If we connected a file server, we would still=
| have to build a filesystem using one or more LUNs on the SAN.
NetApp, Auspex, and some of EMC's products are NAS; they manage the
storage & file-systems locally to the device (e.g, WAFL on NetApp) and
export those file system(s) via NFS or CIFS.
In my opinion, a good NAS implementation is more useful than mounting
SAN (block oriented) disk on a UNIX box and running a volume manager
and local UNIX file system and the exporting that via NFS or CIFS
(the latter usually with Samba).
Of course, cost constraints often mean you haven't got the choice
of using NAS appliances like NetApp filers. On the other hand,
if you're buying a SAN, you've got the money for a NetApp ...
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