Subject: Dhclient stopped working, bpf errors
To: None <>
From: Gary Parker <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/12/2005 15:22:56
Hi all,
	I'm running NetBSD 2.0 on a SPARCstation20 with 2x150MHz Ross
HyperSPARC CPUs, 256MB RAM and a SunSwift SCSI/FastEthernet card.

My machine has been running fine for weeks now but I needed to reboot it
just now after coming up with a virtual memory error while doing some
compiling. My problem is that when the machine booted up it failed to pick
up a DHCP lease and running 'dhclient hme0' produces the following error:

Can't set bpf buffer to 32768: Inappropriate ioctl for device
Can't attach interface hme0 to bpf device /dev/bpf0: Inappropriate ioctl for

The last time I did a kernel compile was at the beginning of December and
the machine's been booted on a number of occasions since then so it's not
like a recent compile that I've forgotten to put the Berkeley Packet Filter
in or anything.

Anyone got any bright ideas?

/-Gary Parker-----------------------f-Loughborough University-\
n IT Bandwidth Management Specialist - |
| Computing Services      - o