Subject: Re: mirroring for more than two disks?
To: Malcolm Herbert <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 11/24/2004 15:43:24
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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On Wed, Nov 24, 2004 at 03:15:46PM +1100, Malcolm Herbert wrote:
| Having just read some articles which made me rethink the merits of
| RAID10 as opposed to RAID5 I'm considering switching my systems to this
| setup ... unfortunately it appears that the RAIDFrame system can't
| mirror to more than one disk ... is this restriction likely to be lifted
| in the near future?
RAID10 is a RAID0 stripe of RAID1 mirrors:
- with 4 disks, you have a stripe of two mirrors
- with 6 disks, you have a stripe of three mirrors
There's no specific requirement to mirror with >2 disks
per stripe component.
Generally you don't want RAID01 (a mirror of stripes),
since losing a single disk in a stripe component makes
the entire set non-redundant.
I used to use RAID10. I now just manually manage multiple
RAID1 sets, as it makes it easier to recover parts of a system
with just one functional disk.
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