Subject: Re: single or dual CPU
To: None <>
From: Stefan Schumacher <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 11/17/2004 00:05:59
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Also sprach James Gray (
> what are the advantages of SMP (i386 2.0_RC4)? i was thinking of upgradin=
g my NetBSD box (a Pentium 200 with 96MB of ram), with a new motherboard, C=
PU and ram (and case of course)... the rest of the components will be repla=
ced later. Anyway, given then options, new AthlonXP 2000+ with 512MB of ram=
, or a dual P-III 1Ghz system, with the same amount of ram, which one would=
 be best?

If your software can make use of multiple CPUs, buy a Dual CPU Board,
if not, get a strong single CPU.

Gordie:  Do you think I'm weird?=09
Chris:	 Definitely.=09
Gordie:  No, man, seriously. Am I weird?=09
Chris:	 Yeah, but so what? Everybody's weird.    [Stephen King - The Body]

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