Subject: Re: Temperature of Air Condition
To: Zafer Aydogan <>
From: Ed Wensell III <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/30/2004 05:15:22
--- Zafer Aydogan <> wrote:
> Dear Newsgroup,
> We have a new air condition in our server rooms.
> What is the ideal temperature to set for the servers in the room?
> Any experience or any guidelines ?
> Without an air condition we have over 100 degrees F in the room.
> Regards, Zafer.
Check the specifications for the systems in the room. They normally have
some sort of recommended environmental conditions.
In my experience I have seen datacenters set anywhere from 68 to 74 F and
around 54% humidity.
The trick is getting it cool enough to operate the systems normally
without causing condensation. Likewise you do not want it so dry that
static electricity becomes an issue.
Ed Wensell III
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