Subject: Re: Flash for *BSD Petition
To: None <>
From: Joel Rees <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/21/2004 15:00:56
On 2004.8.21, at 01:34 PM, Louis Guillaume wrote:

>> In message <>, Chuck Yerkes 
>> writes:
>>> Quoting Konrad Neuwirth (
>>>> Ben Collver <> writes:
>>>>> On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 09:42:28AM -0700, Andy Ruhl wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 09:32:39 -0700, Ben Collver 
>>>>>> <> wrote
>>> :
>>>>>>> Okay, but I'd like people to develop for open standards such as 
>>>>>>> SVG.
>>>>> I wouldn't suggest that it would hurt to port it to BSD.  However, 
>>>>> I
>>>>> was being asked to advocate a proprietary standard, and happened to
>>>>> mention a similar standard that is both open and portable.
>>>> It's open and portable, but not similar.  SVG is a vector graphics
>>>> format, Flash is an application environment that just happens to be
>>>> largely used for animations, but that can also natively interface 
>>>> with
>>>> SQL databases.
>>> I have to say that I've delighted in the plug in for a mac laptop
>>> that lets me KILL FLASH.  Only RARELY is it not for an ad. An
>>> annoying ad like a 4 year old saying "dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad,
>>> hey dad, dad" while you wish you could drink yourself into oblivion.
>>> I used to intercept it at the home gateway, but have been using the
>>> laptop at work and don't really want to ensquid the laptop and
>>> selfproxy.
>>> Flash Bad.  Flash Annoying.
>>> You're signing a petition to get <BLINK> tags.
>> Thank you -- my feelings exactly.
>> 		--Steve Bellovin,
> ... i feel like I'm taking the bait here but anyway, I can't resist...
> My first instinct is to agree with this BUT that's like saying 
> "because I've heard music made with guitar that I don't like: Guitars 
> annoying. Guitars bad."

huh? huh? Did someone say there's a port for Fenders?

First toasters, now guitars. What will they port to next?

Or was it a port of the Fender to NetBSD?