Subject: Re: Flash for *BSD Petition
To: None <>
From: Louis Guillaume <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/21/2004 00:34:13
> In message <>, Chuck Yerkes writes:
>>Quoting Konrad Neuwirth (
>>>Ben Collver <> writes:
>>>>On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 09:42:28AM -0700, Andy Ruhl wrote:
>>>>>On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 09:32:39 -0700, Ben Collver <> wrote
>>>>>>Okay, but I'd like people to develop for open standards such as SVG.
>>>>I wouldn't suggest that it would hurt to port it to BSD.  However, I
>>>>was being asked to advocate a proprietary standard, and happened to
>>>>mention a similar standard that is both open and portable.
>>>It's open and portable, but not similar.  SVG is a vector graphics
>>>format, Flash is an application environment that just happens to be
>>>largely used for animations, but that can also natively interface with
>>>SQL databases. 
>>I have to say that I've delighted in the plug in for a mac laptop
>>that lets me KILL FLASH.  Only RARELY is it not for an ad. An
>>annoying ad like a 4 year old saying "dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad,
>>hey dad, dad" while you wish you could drink yourself into oblivion.
>>I used to intercept it at the home gateway, but have been using the
>>laptop at work and don't really want to ensquid the laptop and
>>Flash Bad.  Flash Annoying.
>>You're signing a petition to get <BLINK> tags.
> Thank you -- my feelings exactly.
> 		--Steve Bellovin,

... i feel like I'm taking the bait here but anyway, I can't resist...

My first instinct is to agree with this BUT that's like saying "because 
I've heard music made with guitar that I don't like: Guitars annoying. 
Guitars bad." It's sort of a narrow view of a single means or medium in 
which to create content.

It so happens that many web developers out there have chosen flash as 
their medium and as a result, many clients out there know that animated 
or "flashy" content is an option and want it.

I've had a client ask me to produce a site with animation on the front 
page. I tried to talk them out of it because many people will not be 
able to view the animation or are annoyed by it. Their response was, 
"Well we trust your creative ability. We believe that you can produce an 
animated page that people will like and an alternate for those who can't 
view it. So do it" Whether I actually have that creative ability or not 
is not the issue. The issue is that I *could*.

And yes, it so happens that much of what has been produced out there has 
the elegance of <blink> tags. But that's not Flash's fault.

Web-sites are like interactive graphic design projects, and I think that 
there is a place for this kind of content.

And NetBSD should be prepared to provide access to this content. If for 
no other reason: because it's there. Macromedia probably doesn't even 
know about NetBSD until now.

Next thing you know they'll love it so much they'll want to use NetBSD, 
and there's going to be some guy over there going, "That's like asking 
for <blink> tags."

So filter it out (or don't install it) if you will, but you may well 
miss out on some good art or graphic design.

