Subject: Re: Where's the Logo?
To: None <>
From: Sean Davis <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/15/2004 07:07:53
On Sun, 15 Aug 2004 04:43:30 -0500,
<> wrote:
> I think, some people had mentioned that the daemon is often times
> recognized as a FreeBSD specific icon, rather than a universal BSD
> symbol. I personally like the daemon, but a more serious and cleaner
> looking logo would be better for NetBSD.
I've heard that, too. It sounds like total BS to me. The daemon was a
BSD symbol before FreeBSD existed. They don't have exclusive usage
rights to it. And please clarify: "cleaner?" cleaner than what? than
the daemon? or than the iwo jima logo we have now? I don't personally
like the iwo jima logo much, but if I had to choose between it and,
say, the OpenBSD blowfish, I would certainly pick it. A 007 looking
puffer fish is pretty hard to take seriously.
I'm just... I dunno, bothered that the core NetBSD folks are changing
our logo in order to be politically correct (daemons are bad! only
satanists use BSD!). I think they're forgetting that no matter what,
not everyone will be happy with it, and I would put money on less
people being happy with the new logo than are currently happy with the
one we've had for a long time now.
> On Sat, 14 Aug 2004 21:44:16 -0400, Sean Davis <> wrote:
> > stall on choosing a new logo. The Daemon has been associated with BSD
> > for decades. Killing it now just to be politically correct would be absurd.