Subject: Re: Power button shutdown
To: Brian Rose <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/28/2004 23:07:16
In message <>, Brian Rose writes:
>I just upgraded my file server (NetBSD 1.6.2) from a Pentium 200 to an Athlon
>1400. It is a headless box with no console and is only accessed via SSH or Web
>min. Shutting down the machine is a bit of a chore since I need to get to anot
>her machine, start up SSH or a browser and halt it.
>I am looking for a simple way to shut down the machine by pressing the power b
>utton on the front of the box. I have been looking around and it seems that 'p
>owerd' is what i should be looking at. I just want to make sure there is nothi
>ng else that I should be looking at or if there are other packages that will h
>andle this job better.
In order to use powerd, you need acpi, I believe. I don't know how
reliable acpi is on 1.6.2; I've only tried it on 2.0beta and -current.
--Steve Bellovin,