Subject: Re: Up and running on amd64
To: None <>
From: Jukka Salmi <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/15/2004 16:57:33
Jukka Marin --> netbsd-users (2004-06-11 23:52:19 +0300):
> On Fri, Jun 11, 2004 at 04:04:08PM -0400, C. Linus Hicks wrote:
> > Not quite that fast. The first time I did a build, I didn't know to use
> > -x so XFree didn't get built. That took 55 minutes. I didn't remember to
> > check how long it took to build with XFree when I did the whole thing. I
> > believe it was on the order of 1:20.
> Not bad at all. My XP2600+ needs almost 3 hours to build NetBSD. (I wonder
> if there's something wrong with my system, though.)
I just did a " -x release" (tools and GENERIC kernel were already
built) on a current i386 system (Athlon XP 2000+ CPU, Ultra/100 ATA disk);
took 3:24:19 to complete.
Cheers, Jukka
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$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~