Subject: Re: Slow UDP traffic
To: None <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/04/2004 20:43:14
Schamil Wackenhut <> writes:
> I did some benchmarking in my private network today, and i saw that
> the udp transferrate between my server(NetBSD 1.6.2/GENERIC/ipf
> disabled) and my firewall(OpenBSD 3.5/GENERIC/pf disabled) (both
> have 100mbit ethernet link) is down to only ~25MBit/s. TCP transferrate
> is ok (90MBit/s). What can be a reason for such slow udp traffic?

I'd read TCP/IP Illustrated, volume 1, to learn the answer, but
in general UDP tends to be pretty slow unless you implement all the
nice things TCP does, at which point you have TCP.
