Subject: Re: fetchmail / sendmail question
To: None <>
From: Lubos Vrbka <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/17/2004 17:48:01
> finally, i think i've found out what is going wrong. sendmail doesn't 
> work (even for the local delivery), because it tries to contact
>     localhost.xxxxx.xxxxx.xx
> instead of
>     snail.xxxxx.xxxxx.xx
> where snail is the name of my computer. however, hostname gives "snail", 
> /etc/rc.conf contains hostname=snail.xxxxx.xxxxx.xx, i even created 
> /etc/myname with "snail" in it... but it still doesn't work. can anyone 
> tell me what's wrong here? is there some other config file i missed?
just a small addition - fetchmail using /usr/libexec/mail.local %T as 
mda delivers messages to the /var/mail/vrbka correctly...
