Subject: Re: install problems on 2.0beta on i386
To: Steve Bellovin <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/19/2004 11:24:52
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On Sun, Apr 18, 2004 at 08:41:08PM -0400, Steve Bellovin wrote:
| I built a new install CD, from today's 2.0beta source, and used it for=
| a fresh installation. The installation didn't work -- or rather, the=
| resulting system was unbootable. I rebooted the install CD, and ran=20
| installboot and fdisk to make sure I had both boot mechanisms=20
| installed; after that, it worked. I'm not sure where the failure was=
| -- I ran through the installation twice -- but if it helps, the first=
| time I got a GRUB prompt (the disk had had Red Hat 9.0 on it).
| It's possible, of course, that I mis-specified some option, but if so=
| it was quite non-obvious what I did wrong. (I specified that NetBSD=20
| should have the entire disk.)
FWIW: I installed 2.0_BETA (built from sources updated a couple of
days ago) onto a laptop that already had an existing 8GB WinXP
partition, and it worked _flawlessly_.
This including adding a separate 10GB MBR partition for NetBSD,
partitioning the NetBSD disklabel, and setting up the NetBSD MBR
boot selector to select between WinXP & NetBSD.
It only took 6 minutes from the time to boot off CD into sysinst
to the reboot into multiuser NetBSD after the installation finished...
I haven't yet tested installing that release onto a disk dedicated
to NetBSD.
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