Subject: Re: windows without titlebars in x
To: Eric Pogroski <>
From: Lubos Vrbka <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/26/2004 19:29:59
wow, it seems to (at least partially) work... but now more questions are 
arising - like with hydra - you chop one head and two more grow :)

> fluxbox makes this easy :)
so i guess it's windowmanager's job - in every wm it is done in 
different way (if at all)... is it possible to manage behaviour like 
this using some command line parameter to the application being run?

> 1. Right click on the title bar of your term
> - select Remember - Decorations
it seems that it works for me, however, i cannot see any checkboxes in 
that menu - are they really missing there or is my installation somehow 

> 4. Make your term the 'focused' window - hit your windows+w keys, and, 
> voila' , no decorations.
even if the position&sticky works for me, it doesn't remember the 
setting of the decorations...
my .fluxbox/apps file has
[app] (xconsole)
  [Deco] {0x7df}
maybe this could be the problem...

thanks for your help. regards,
