Subject: Re: windows without titlebars in x
To: None <>
From: Eric Pogroski <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/26/2004 11:50:10
On Fri, 26 Mar 2004 17:36:02 +0100
Lubos Vrbka <> wrote:

> hi guys,
> i saw some X session snapshots on the net, where terminals (or xconsole, 
> for example) didn't have titlebars (i mean the upper part of the window 
> containing the name of it + buttons). can anyone tell me how to manage 
> this in netbsd? (i'm using fluxbox window manager).
> i was trying to find some information on the net and in manpages, but 
> with no luck - probably bad keywords...
> thanks for any hints. regards,
> -- 
> Lubos
> _@_"

fluxbox makes this easy :)

1. Right click on the title bar of your term
- select Remember - Decorations

2. Edit your ~/.fluxbox/keys file:
# vi ~/.fluxbox/keys
(add something like this)
Mod4 W :ToggleDecor # this is for the windows key and w - change if you like

3. Restart Fluxbox

4. Make your term the 'focused' window - hit your windows+w keys, and, 
voila' , no decorations.

