Subject: Re: aterm: can't open pseudo-tty
To: None <,>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/24/2004 01:42:12
In article <> you wrote:
> when i try to open more aterms than is certain threshold at some time. 
> xterms open just fine? how can i solve this problem? i had a look in 
> /dev to see what pty* i have (i have 62 of them) - so there shouldn't be 
> the problem because my "limit" lies around 25 aterms running at the same 
> time...

62 sounds like the default number of ptys, try increasing it:

miyu# cd /dev
miyu# ls pty* | wc -l
miyu# sh MAKEDEV pty1
miyu# sh MAKEDEV pty2
miyu# sh MAKEDEV pty3
miyu# ls pty* | wc -l

 - Hubert

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