Subject: Re: cvs chroot vs. timezone
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/10/2004 10:37:05
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Jukka Marin <> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 05:32:25PM -0500, Jan Schaumann wrote:
> > I have a cvs server running in a chroot, and it appears that I just
> > can't get it to use the right timezone. Any file committed gets a
> > timestamp in UTC. I've set /chroot/etc/localtime correctly, and if I
> > chroot into the chroot, it does give me the correct date.
> The timestamps (and all other times) _always_ are in UTC (assuming you
> have set the time correctly). The timezone only affects the routines
> which convert time to human-readable form (and vice-versa).
That's what I assumed. But I had thought that the $Id: $ tag would be
represented in localtime. Thinking about this, that doesn't seem to
make much sense, or maybe I'm just confused. Probably the latter. ;-)
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