Subject: del home end keys setup in xterm
To: None <>
From: Lubos Vrbka <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/10/2004 13:08:34
hi guys,

is it possible to set-up terminals so that "home" key will move to 
beginning of line, "end" to the end of line and "delete" will delete 
actual character?

set -o emacs
stty erase ^?

in my .profile. i can browse through the command history using up/down 
arrows, i'm also able to move inside the command using the left/right 
arrow and delete preceding characters using "backspace" key, but i'd 
like to be able to use home, end and delete there, too (it would be very 
useful especially when re-editing long command lines...)

btw, home and end keys don't work for me in midnight commander's editor 
(producing "1~" and "4~", respectively), whereas delete works fine. on 
command line, all three keys produce only "~".

TERM is set to xterm.

thanks for any hints. regards,
