Subject: re: aterm + mc mouse / font problems
To: <>
From: Sascha Retzki <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/02/2004 09:10:11
>--- Lubos Vrbka <> wrote:
>now i know where's the problem - xterm exports TERM=xterm whereas aterm
>exports TERM=rxvt. after re-setting it to TERM=xterm, everything works
>fine. but how can i make this change permanent, so i don't have to
>re-export it every time i open aterm?
>or is it possible to force mc to treat rxvt the same way as xterm?
As it is a normal shell environment variable, you can use "setenv TERM xterm" in ~/.cshrc or "export TERM=xterm" in ~/.bashrc, regarding to the shell you use as default.
With best regards,
Sascha Retzki
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