Subject: Re: Password demands
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Stefan Schumacher <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/23/2004 10:29:34
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* Richard Rauch ( wrote:
> If I may make a suggestion:
> Perhaps if you attack this from the other side?  Write a simple
> password *generator* that mixes vowels and consonants to produce
> something semi-pronouncible (but not a word).  Then a second pass
> to sprinkle in some punctuation and numerals.


I suggest my users to generate a password by creating a sentence and
taking the 1st letter of each word. sth. that way:

  I was born in Blankenburg in 1980. -> IwbiBi1980.

which is IMO a somewhat strong passwd and most users are able to
remember at least their "pass-sentence"

> Ideally, it should probably be subjected to some kind of testing to
> eliminate things that are too close to real words (maybe soundexing
> it?).

john or crack/libcrack could be used to do this testing

> I think that the reason that people use bad passwords is because
> it's easy to pick a real word---or something close to it---but it
> "feels" hard to make a random one.  If one is generated for you,
> you only have to memorize it. =20

That's IMO a social problem, it might be possible to use techniques that
force a user to create a 25 letter passwd w/ at least 5 numbers and 5
special chars, making it look like a SHA1 checksum. But if the user
isn't able to remember it, he will forget it or write it down
somewhere (e.g. on the back of the kbd).

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To wreak havoc in your lives
There's no use to hold me back
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