Subject: read only nfs /usr/pkgsrc
To: None <>
From: Axel Scheepers <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/22/2004 17:04:13
Hi All,
I've set up a nfs server which exports both /usr/src and /usr/pkgsrc
read-only to my servers. nfs-client-side these are mounted under
/usr/src and /usr/pkgsrc.
Since they're read-only exported I created an /etc/mk.conf on the
servers containing:
To be able to build packages.
As a first try I tried to compile /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/digest but it
failed with this error:
make: don't know how to make /tmp/pkgsrc/work/pkgtools/digest/work/.PLIST.
When I just type 'make' all things are correctly build in WORKOBJDIR.
Worth mentioning might be that whenever I type make again, the whole build
starts over, normally it would 'see' that it has already build it.
(.build_done is there)
I tried 'make plist' and it generates the .PLIST file in WORKOBJDIR, make
afterwards results in a rebuild of the source (rm-ing .PLIST) and halt again
above error.
Cleaning all dirs and 'make install' still gives me this error.
Both machines are 1.6.2 from yesterday, i386.
What am I doing wrong here?