Subject: Re: the sad state of browsing
To: None <>
From: Christian Biere <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/13/2004 19:23:32
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Jan Schaumann wrote:
> netscape7 seems to be the most promising one, but it chokes on the java
> plugin. Binary packages of the linux version of mozilla seem to work ok
> with the flash plugin. Opera6 can handle the pdf plugin (I think), but
> opera7 can't even spawn the external viewer.
> So... WTF?
Make sure the browser and the plugins use the same C++ ABI. Otherwise,
there's no hope. I assume e.g., Macromedia isn't even aware of this
problem. I've requested a plugin built with Sun's C++ compiler a while
ago but all I got was an automated response. They could at least put
some hints into their READMEs or FAQs.
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