Subject: the sad state of browsing
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/13/2004 12:20:21
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So apparently it's impossible to have a browser under NetBSD that
fully supports the most common plugins: java, flash and acroread.

I've installed mozilla, firebird, firefox, mozilla-linux, netscape7,
konqeuror and whatnot in various combinations with different plugins
from packages and by hand, and the bottom line seems to be that nothing
is working right.

netscape7 seems to be the most promising one, but it chokes on the java
plugin.  Binary packages of the linux version of mozilla seem to work ok
with the flash plugin.  Opera6 can handle the pdf plugin (I think), but
opera7 can't even spawn the external viewer.

So... WTF?

I know that browsers are a pain to deal with and that on other platforms
browsing is also far from a pleasant experience, but I have a lot of
users who wonder why we can't even get the most basic plugins work



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