Subject: Re: Creeping PCism...
To: None <>
From: Christian Biere <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/09/2004 02:09:22
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Johnny Billquist wrote:
> > For the console:
> > man gettytab; grep for "erase char".
> That's not the same thing as the default. That's what you get when getty
> runs. If you start a shell by any other means than through getty, gettytab
> isn't used.
Eh, sure. If you want to fix it independent from your shell, application,
login method etc. you could just switch the key labels. If the shell(s)
you use support readline(3) you could put "^H: delete-char" into your
~/.inputrc and <backspace> will then eat the characters from the cursor
to the left.
> You're thinking too narrow... :-)
I'd prefer "focused".
> No no no. Caps Lock is something else.
I misunderstood you because I use it as often as Scroll Lock. (Wow, it
really works with wscons and it doesn't even have your Caps Lock problem.)
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