Subject: Re: Creeping PCism...
To: None <>
From: Christian Biere <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/08/2004 16:50:14
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Frederick Bruckman wrote:
> > Put your favorite settings into /etc/X11/app-defaults/XTerm to make them
> > the host-wide defaults.
> Don't do that!? It'll be overwritten on the next system update.
Huh? How am I supposed to now whether he was referring to his one and only
personal machine or a server with terminals or a single machine with
multiple users? That's why I wrote "host-wide".=20
> A better way to do is, to do add such things to "~/.Xresources".
That's not better, it's just different.
> For example:
> XTerm*VT100*Geometry: 100x32
> XTerm*deleteIsDEL: true
> XTerm*background: grey95
> XTerm*foreground: blue4
> XTerm*saveLines: 255
Except for deleteIsDEL, that's quite OT.
> > > And while I'm at it. I also hate having SHIFT toggle the fifth bit, I=
> > > it to always just set it.
> > man xmodmap; Map Shift_L and Shift_R to Caps_Lock or vice-versa.
> How will that help? I understand the complaint to be that "SHIFT",
> with "CAPS" set, types small letters.
IC, never noticed that because I never use the AOL key. I have
xmodmap << EOF
remove Lock =3D Caps_Lock
in my ~/.xinitrc and ~/.xsession.
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